This project explores the profound psychological trauma experienced by an elderly couple - Gisella, a German woman, and Antonio, an Italian man - who experienced unimaginable hardship, loss and suffering as children during the Second World War. Both born between 1935 and 1939, they were only 4 to 7 years old when the war devastated their lives, leaving them scarred by the violence, displacement, hunger and destruction they witnessed. Their shared trauma led them to make a conscious decision never to have children, for fear that the horrors they had experienced would be repeated in future generations.
Now aged between 85 and 90, the couple live in isolation in a villa in a small, quiet village, cut off from the outside world and the few family members who remain. Their old age is marked not only by physical decline, but also by the haunting echoes of their early experiences. The loneliness they now face is the result of their decision to shut themselves off from the world, unable to overcome the weight of their past. In this way, their lives reflect a poignant exploration of how trauma can shape one's sense of self, relationships and future, and offer insight into the lasting effects of war on the human psyche.
This project explores themes of memory, trauma and the lasting impact of historical events on individual lives, and examines the deep emotional and psychological scars that continue to shape this couple's world long after the war has ended.